
Hi, welcome to Simply Rising! We are so glad you are here! This blog has a purpose for your purpose!

Every Monday and Wednesday we will have messages to encourage you and push you forward in you daily walk with God. You are not lost, you are simply rising.
So, if you like motivation and getting to know more and grow, this site is for you. Regardless if you know God or you don’t this blog is the place for you.
Do not be afraid to come on here and read and grow in your walk.
All you have to do is read the content and have your journal or tablet ready and be prepared to take note and answer the action steps and get set to take action in your life.

Again, welcome to the blog! Use the menu to navigate the site. If you have any questions, click the contact tab in the menu tab or simply comment on a post on here.

Also, you can share your testimony if you feel led to, simply click the contact tab and comment on there and it will be shared.
We are not perfect, we are not normal. We are simply rising. What is normal anyway? LOL!